Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Municipal Election in Delta

The last few weeks I’ve been helping Heather King win this year's municipal election! We started by going 2 her house 4 a sort of orientation type meeting with food - so it’s all good. Basically we learned a bit about her and how she would treat things in Delta and how to campaign, knocking on doors and telling the people about the election and about Heather. Then on Wed. my Mom and I went 2 Heather's campaign hq on Delta St. where she made phone calls 2 citizens of Delta and I made up a list of streets that can't vote (on the First Nations Reserve). The date of the election is Nov. 19th. Feel free to check out Heather's website @

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Abbys, WWII and Goats!!!

On thursday, our day was totally packed, it was like 3 field trips in one!!! First of all we went with a small group of other HS families. 2 start off the day, we drove out 2 Westminister Abby, a beautiful Abby made by monks. Since is was “midday”, we decided 2 stay and watch the midday prayer. All of the monks gather and chant songs, they all sounded like robots due 2 the echo in the Abby. Next the crew hurried 2 Abotsford where we listened 2 a lecture about WWII, Japans side of the story. There was one japanese soldier who kept saying “quick draw” and “Cowboys” 2 a captive Canadian.  Our final activity of the day was a goat farm, yes a goat farm!!! First we went into the barn where all the relatively newborn goats (kids) were kept, they were so cute!!! Then we saw some older goats and the guard dog. after that we saw cheese in the making and the milking station. And before we left we all sampled and bought some amazing goat cheese!!! :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Message 4 any other people of the HS rank (or anyone else) who happen 2 stumble upon this blog.

Hi guys, if there are any HS people who are reading this, feel free to leave a comment (or not if your’e a party popper or one of those lame kids who go to school). And if you do not go to school well then i wish you luck in life, as you will need it,on the other hand, if you have graduated that’s good for you!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Skating & Twister

This week on monday, my and my bro + a whole lot of other HS people, went skating at the LLC (Ladner Leisure Centre). Once a week on mon. its public skating day so a bunch of HS come to skate. Life continued on normally until wed. night - GAP, the event of the night - Twister - may song pretty boring but it was huge Twister, like i’m talking 400 square giant! It was AWESOME!!! Next on the planed events of the night was a mini concert put on by an awesome guy named Riley Armstrong, look him up on iTunes and support him by buying his album or rating. It was also AWESOME!!! And tomorrow i get a pro-d day, YAY no school!!! :) See u guys latter. PEACE!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 2 of Skool (AWESOME!)

This week of school was awesome (as the title implies), because I went to a bunch of awesome places. On Tuesday, we took more than half of the day in Capilano to see the salmon spawning, and to do some other things. Then on Wednesday my brother and I went to bard on the beach for the second time and saw King Henry VI. After that, we headed over to Victoria with a few other HS people, and we all went to the Royal Bc Museum!! The first exhibit we went to was called "Behind the scenes" which was all the collections of different organisms in the museum. next we watched an imax movie called "rescue", it was all about different rescue teams and how they all came to the rescue of Hattie. Last went to our Uncle and aunts house while our grandparent were there. We spent the day walking around Victoria.

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day Of School (at home)

If there’s some people out there who are kind of confused about this blog, I’m Home Schooled (from now on I’ll abbreviate HomeSchool as HS). I have never been to a (what some people would call) “Real” School, nor do I really ever want to. Because I just played tennis for half of my school day with some of my other HS buds. And plus i just started this blog today, pretty awesome first day of school!!!

Summer 20ll

      This summer has been absolutely amazing! I’ve done too much to write about it in one post, so I’ll just cover some highlights.

My first big event was Salt Spring. Every year our youth group goes and serves the island of Saltspring for a week. Sounds like it’s a total waste of summer time and money, but trust me it is one of the favourite times of the summer every year. 

 Okay moving along to Trek. An awesome camp where we sleep in teepees, make axes and   shields -- all it the middle of nowhere.

HS = HomeSchool

AUGUST 24!!! It’s my 14th birthday. To celebrate it we went to Princeton with all my HS buddies. We all camped for two nights and tube down the Similkameen River!!!

My last event of the summer was the, HS only, Not Going Back to School Campout (NGBSC).

2 K00L 4 SK00L

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