Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Letter toSummer

Dear Summer,

      You have taken me so many places this year like, Saltspring (for the 5th time but it was still awesome), Trek (A fun time being a LIT), and last but defiantly not least you took me to Guatemala a life changing trip that I will never forget! Saltspring was not quite as memorable this year for some reason but it was still a great time serving the island of Saltspring. Trek was Different this year because I was an LIT (leader in training) but still a fun time serving the kids and making their year at camp fun. And by far the best, most life changing trip of my life, Guatemala, a 12 day mission trip with 14 other people from my youth group. We stayed at a house in a town called HueHuetenango (pronounced way-way-ten-ayn-go) for most of the time and helped run some church services and ran some kids camps just for one day each. All in All summer You have given me a great year, I will miss you.

                                                                                                              Until next year  -Troy

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This past weekend we went on a field trip to “TRIUMF”. A science lab meant for nuclear astrophysics and stuff like that. Basically  what they do there is speed up atoms really fast and smash them into thing and see what happens. That what our guide told us @ the beginning of the tour. Our tour guide was a Ph.D  student, astrophysicist, Doctor Who fan, type of guy. Really awesome guy. Anyways, we took a tour of the facility and he told us about what goes down there. The main attraction is the “cyclotron” the place where they speed up the atoms. Unfortunately we couldn’t just walk in and see it ( there was too much “radiation" or something like that ). The Cyclotron is a big vacuum where atoms r sped up really really fast (i think it was something like 90% of the speed of light) and the smashed into things. The way that is achieved is kindda confusing, but stay w/ me for a little longer. The r 2 halves separated by a small gap, the atoms were gathered so that they r all the same type and charge. Lets say they all have a negative charge, 1 half of the cyclotron has a positive charge and the other half a negative charge. The negative charged atoms are attracted to the negatively charged half and repelled by the positively charged half. Thus the atoms are sped up, now to keep the atoms going faster, the charges "swap sides” and thus the atoms repeat the same process and thus go faster and faster. The atoms keep this up until they reach the side of the Cyclotron. because the atoms r travelling in a circle that is constantly getting bigger in diameter. Once the atoms reach the sides they r collected to have their speed checked and smash into something and some other things. That concludes my intro to my essay. JK... I’m done you can feel free to let your brain explode or read this again and then let your head explode.

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